Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Safe Babies Court Team - 1940 Words

Project Abstract The Safe Babies Court Team Zero to Three is seeking a grant to expand the visitation of G.I.F.T. program with the objective of helping families get a better visitation outside of the child welfare agency. Funding in the amount of $20,000 is requested for hiring visitation coaches, training needed for the visitation coaches, interactive activities for the families, books for the children, and expansion to the visitation room. Agency Mission The Safe Babies Court Teams Zero to Three is a national, nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals, and policy makers, the knowledge and know how to nurture early development. Their mission is to make sure that each baby and toddler has a strong start in life. With the†¦show more content†¦Parents are encourage to take charge during the visits so that they can make it feel like home as much as possible. Empathy helps support families to meet the unique needs of their children. It’s the parents turn to imagine themselves in their child’s shoes. The visit coach and the parents will work together to make sure they take care of the needs of the child every visit. Responsiveness helps families manage the conflict between adult and child needs. Visits are considered to be a positive vibe zone. That means no anger, attitudes, or depression is allowed while the parents are visiting their children. Active parenting just sums up what is expected of the parents during their visits. The visits will be shaped by the attitudes of the parents, their words, and also their actions toward their children. Statement of Need Infants and Toddlers entering foster care are particularly vulnerable. The first three years can provide an unparalleled opportunity for growth or negative side effects with the potential for delays based on their early experiences. Fortunately, their resilience allows those in their paths to mend troubled experiences and support change into a positive direction. Very young children who are removed face an additional danger added by the experience itself, which is separation. The emotional and developmental harm that may come to them is related to how they perceive the reason for the

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