Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Find largest digit in c program

Find largest anatomy in c programmumbers ( despotic,nagative,integer,double numbers) from the keyboard and prints area,largest number,negcount,reverse,average.*///including header fileinclude using namespace std// principal(prenominal) declarationvoid main() //declaring variables int num int sum1=0 float sum2=0 int negcount=0 int i=0 int largest int smallest float average=0.0 int temp1=0 int temp2=0 float area=0.0 int radius int large int small int temp3 int b int temp4 int temp int poscount=0 float pi=3.14 for(i=0 i //Reading numbers from user cout cin num if(i==0) largest=num smallest=num temp=num if(i==1) temp3=num if( num 0 )//Considering positive numbers if(poscount==0) large=num small=num sum1= sum1+num poscount++ else // considering negative numbers if(negcount==0) temp1=num if(negcount==1) temp2=num if(temp2 sum2=temp1+temp2 average = sum2/2 negcount++ // checking the largest number of given 8 numbers if ( num smallest = num if ( num largest ) larges t = num //checking the smallest positive number if(num0) if ( num Find largest digit in c program small = num if ( num = large ) large = num radius=small area=pi*(radius*radius)//calculating the area of the circle // reversing the first both numbers entred b=temp-((temp/10)*10) temp4=b //printing outputs for given inputscoutcout cout cout coutcoutcoutcout

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